Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Relearning to play Clarinet

 Let me tell you. I had so many people tell me i wouldn't be able to play clarinet after I got dentures. and they were wrong! if you want to play badly enough it can be done. I have made massive improvements and I am not even fully healed and i also don't have my final set of dentures yes I will get them in January.

I have started using my computer again lately and i am relearning to type. It feels so good to actually type on a key board.

I have recently switch to using a milk alternative. Almondmilk and it works well for me. I dont really care what it is as long as its not milk. My stomach does not like milk. At all.

It has gotten colder and we dressed Beau in his winter fleece pajamas and he is so happy and warm and cozy. I think it helps his anxiety. He feels like he is being hugged

he is a little cuddle bug and its precious.

on Oct 3rd it was his 2nd birthday. i baked him pumpkin cupcakes with peanut butter icing!!! he absolutely loved it!

i feel so much better lately

i just.. the new psych nurse is not agreeing with me on my medication and i am having to find a new doctor. I have gotten an appointment with the behavioral health faction of my primary care health provider and I am hopeful things can be done properly. i can't see the new new doctor until late november.

i am planning to vote in this election and i am voting for kamala and it's pissing off my friends and family. my husband understands and some of my friends do. but most people are very... into the orange man. he is not your savior and you are in a cult. laugh emoji goes here.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

i am smiling

I put makeup on and did my hair! 

a REAL smile!

it was cold enough this morning to wear my new sweatpants. Love Bluey!


 ok so i wanted to post a picture from my phone that's google photos synced and blogger isn't letting me. so weird.

I have a smile again!

I think the blogger app lets me post photos. something is wrong with the interface here for making posts.

I have not played clarinet yet but I am going to band on Sunday. I dont have to play just yet, the director said I could just sit in and look through the music. I can't properly try to play until I can use the fixodent to hold my dentures in place.

time lapse---- 


i did just play without fixodent and i can play the lower register ok, but above the break is the problem.

I just. i have to prove everyone wrong. I have to be able to play. I HAVE TO.

and when I succeed I will speak out about playing with dentures and how it can be done because apparently everyone thinks its impossible! i might not be able to play like i used to but i can still play. i just did it! i know i can do it. all i need is time and healing and then fixodent. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

photo post late july 2024

Made myself a bracelet with memory wire and whipped gemstone/glass beads

There was a community yard sale but we didn't get to sell hardly any of our stuff

I took this picture to say "its serious business" when i take off my rings. In this case, Beau was going to get a bath. 

August 1, 2024

 I haven't updated in so very long and it's because my life has been a shit show.

I had to quit band, I'm getting my teeth cut out and... Dentures at the age of 38.

We have the dentures right now so that part is done, now we just need to see the surgeon and the closest date we could get was August 9th.

but... after that i hope i can (after a period of healing time) pick the clarinet back up and play. I hope i can play in the fall concert. I know I can't do the christmas one because i will be in alabama.

i have some pics to post.

but my computer isn't working properly. kind of a bummer.

my chromebook is out of date and we are going to get my a window net book next time.

i am having pain in the same place i had pain with my kidney stones but I am not about to let that shit happen so i am using my will power to make it be something else.

it's not so bad and i think if it was a stone it would be getting worse and it doesn't seem to be doing that.

ok so lets talk politics.

i have never voted before but i have just registered to vote because i swear to god of Trump is president again i will lose my mind. Kamala Harris needs to be the next president. And Andy needs to be her VP candidate.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

its been a while

A lot has happened. I have stopped going to band because i never know when my teeth are going to hurt. So i have borrowed a keyboard from my friend and i am waiting to get the piano books so i can play again. So i have Nothing to do. Which is bad for me. 
I recently was in the hospital for a day with vomiting blood and that seems to be sorted as much as it can be without racking up another huge medical bill. 

Yesterday we went to see my husband's mom and family to celebrate a kate mother's day and memorial day and his birthday all at once. It was a pretty good time. We also saw his cousin and his now wife. We adore them both and are excited they finally decided to get married. 

Bridgerton just happened and there are more episodes coming in a month or two and i am so very excited. 

I have been "taking it easy" and letting my body heal from profusely vomiting multiple times. And the blood vomit. 
I know i should update this more but i think i am gonna make this url into a social media link tree kind of thing. 
Another project for another day i suppose. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

time keeps on slippin slippin slippin... into the future

 so i have lost track of time in an absurd way.

i had always updated this blog every two weeks or so. but it been QUITE a hot minute now

i haven't been in the best of mental health and that is probably why.

a lot of my plans for 2024 got nipped in the bud, as they say.

Beau is still here and he is my little baby boy. He is curled up next to me right now.

Lilly has become distant but sometimes she puts her foot down and demands mom time

I am still playing in the community band for now but will be taking off the next concert set because i need to get dental work done and i dont know how long it will take for me to recover.

there is a slight chance i might not be able to play clarinet anymore after this happens and it has thrown my mental health into the GUTTER.

I had hoped to drive to alabama this spring and see my family but i can't get my car fixed and everytime we have money something comes up.

that's life though.

my mom finally sold nana and pawpaw's house.... i am very sad about it but it is a great house and needed to be lived in. and in such a small town-- the person who bought is was a classmate of dad's and ALSO one of my old friend's dads. Leslie and I were besties when i worked at shop and save and she said she walked through the house and was flooded with memories of our friendship and that the bedroom i stayed in is being done for his kids when they visit. 

literally couldn't ask for a better ending than that, you guys!

i'm gonna photo dump here for a bit.

we took beau to the groomer and he got his hair did. he looks like such a cutie pie with his short hair.
he looks SPUNKY!

pic showing how long my hair is now!!!! i hate my face so i scribbled it out.

i reworked my memorial in animal crossing for mawmaw, nana, and pawpaw. it looks much better now, in my opinion

my band mate Kathy gave me this pop up card for my birthday and i thought it was just the neatest thing. it's in my journal along with my card from Melanie and the one fro my mom and dad